Dan Lyndon

Front End Developer


Having graduated university in 2015 with a lower second class degree, I found my love for computing and web development. This, combined with my love for being creative, fuelled my drive to becoming a front end web developer. I enjoy the whole process from the designing, the wireframes and choosing the colour palette. As well as the work that goes into coding and finally seeing the finished product after so much has been put into it. I also enjoy the problem solving that comes with it. I hope to follow my passion and obtain my dream job.

With languages constantly changing and frameworks being added, I am always looking to expand, better my knowledge and to always improve.

Click on the images below to learn more about my projects



Just IT

Reignited my passion and joined JustIT web development course in October to aid and guide me towards my dream job of being a web developer With them, I have discovered many new frameworks that have taken my development to the next level.



Joined the current job that I am presently employed at. This job has allowed me to develop alot of the soft skills that I have today. These soft skills incluce: Communication skills, Organisation Skills, Teamwork and Problem Solving. I also gained leadership skills after a year spent in management.


Kingston University

Graduated with a lower second class degree in Information Systems (Internet Business). But during the course I learned web development and enjoyed it. Also having to work on projects in teams and with a brief. It improved my skills of both teamwork and project management to a whole new level.


Kingston College

Graduated college with 3 full A-levels: ICT – D,
Use of Maths – B,
Biology - E.


Bishopsford School

Finished secondary school with 10 GCSE’s Grades A-C including English and Maths and Triple Science.
Including 3 GCSE's in ICT.

Technological Skills


  • Photoshop

  • Lightroom

Get in touch

Please note: I aim to respond with 24 hours

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